June 7 - November 1, 2024
Greenville Museum of Art | West Wing & Commons Galleries

Lupita Nava

“Teaching art continuously keeps me motivated to create art.”

I Dream of Nature
oil on canvas


This painting reflects the pain and uneasiness that I felt as a young woman who didn’t fully understand herself. Not knowing how to let my guard down, and also not knowing how to set boundaries. As someone who is continuously healing from my trauma, I find myself so incredibly grateful to share my journey with others. Growth is what I felt, and still feel about creating art. I was always inspired by time and nature, and how they’re both never-ending machines that are continuous and beyond us. We can try to plan, force, plead, but they are always moving. No matter how “just human” we pretend to be. We are nature, and time will always have us adapting. We grow and change based on our environments, and we can easily thrive or wither away depending on what nurtures us. This is one of the many reasons I chose to become an art teacher. Each day, I wake up with the goal of inspiring others to express themselves through their artwork. It is no longer about just nurturing myself and I hope that others are inspired to do the same.


Baso mi obra en las experiencias que me rodean, en objetos que encuentro todos los días. Mi interés en el arte está arraigado en un sentido de asombro, que añade una dimensión a la materia sencilla pero profunda. Busco dar vida a lo inefable al desarrollar espacios, estructuras y posibilidades visuales nuevos. Mi proceso inicia al organizar mis pensamientos e ideas, al perderme en recuerdos y reminiscencia. Esta autorreflexión ayuda a inspirar y guiar mi selección de elementos y materiales. Integro forma y luz para poder establecer un diálogo entre lo físico y lo posible. Mi obra produce una reflexión más precisa sobre la marca que dejan las consecuencias de la acción. A través de mi obra, doy vida a estos materiales inertes, descubro sus secretos y revivo la memoria colectiva que contienen para componer una semejanza de la sociedad y de la época.


How did you come up with this piece?

I think it was a combination of the assignment given in my college art class, along with a lot of changes and situations that was going on with my life at the time.

How has art helped you understand yourself and your emotions better?

It helps me understand that I always have room for growth when making my art. I think it is important for teachers to reflect, but at the same time it is okay to give yourself grace in your learning.

How has teaching evolved your art?

Teaching art continuously keeps me motivated to create art. The time to create is harder to come by, but it makes you appreciate the time you do have to pour into your creations.

You discuss how the world never stops. Do you find comfort in that or distress? And how do you portray it in your art?

I find comfort in this. I know whatever knowledge, gifts, art, etc. I gain or have gained, I’ll pass on to others.

Your piece displays connectivity to everything. How do you stay connected to nature and yourself in this digital age, which can become isolating? Or do you believe that online communities can tie people together worldwide? My partner and I currently raise chickens and ducks, and are slowly moving towards a life of homesteading. We have many pets that constantly remind us how connected to nature we are. For me, technology is such a big part of life today, but I also believe that too much of anything can have a negative effect. It is a gift that should be used wisely!

How has living in the South affected your perspective of being Latino?

Growing up in the South has given me an appreciation for space. Although I grew up in a multicultural household, it was just my brother and I along with our parents. We had a big yard and I always remember being outside. Those memories are some of my favorites!

What is something you would tell a younger version of yourself?

I would tell myself to focus more on school and creating art while you have the time!