June 7 - November 1, 2024
Greenville Museum of Art | West Wing & Commons Galleries

Dayana Camposeco

“My artwork reflects an abstract perspective of everyday life.”

bodies of two men cutting nopales (cactus)

Nadie Es Ilegal
inkjet print

Starway Flea Market #2
inkjet print

Tía Lupe Con Su Rebozo
inkjet print


My artwork reflects an abstract perspective of everyday life. I tend to migrate toward social, political, and cultural issues in the American south. As a first-generation queer LatinX photographer based in Wilmington, NC most of my current work focuses on intimate portraiture while also exploring themes of systematic poverty, migration, and queerness. My vision is to celebrate diversity and highlight beauty in traditionally underrepresented groups. Some of my earliest memories were made at the Starway Flea Market helping my Tìa sell clothes and shoes. In 2022, after operating for nearly 33 years The Starway Flea Market officially closed in order to build affordable housing in the area that is expected to be completed in 2025.


Mi obra artística refleja una perspectiva abstracta de la vida cotidiana. Tiendo a migrar hacia cuestiones sociales, políticas y culturales en el sur de Estados Unidos. Como artista que se dedica a la fotografía de la comunidad latina, queer de primera generación y vive en Wilmington, Carolina del Norte, la mayor parte de mi trabajo se centra en una representación íntima que también explora temas de pobreza sistémica, emigración y el ser queer. Mi visión es celebrar la diversidad y resaltar la belleza en grupos tradicionalmente subrepresentados. Algunos de mis primeros recuerdos son del Starway Flea Market donde ayudaba a mi tía a vender ropa y zapatos. En 2022, después de operar durante casi 33 años, el The Starway Flea Market cerró oficialmente para que se construyeran viviendas accesibles en la zona; se espera que la construcción termine en el 2025.


Nadie es Ilegal by Dayana Camposeco is a digital photograph that plays with society’s and the viewers’ expectations and assumptions about immigrants. The photograph’s setting is the now-closed Starway Flea Market in Wilmington, NC, where the artist used to work with their aunt. Two circular clothes racks are positioned behind the central figure, and patchy green grass is underneath her with a blue, cloudy sky above. The figure in the photograph is a seated woman wearing a gray mask made to look like a depiction of a space alien. The title of this piece translates to “no one is illegal” in English, which refers to the hurtful phrasing that the United States government uses to classify immigrants who live in the country without official authorization. Often, the phrase “illegal alien” is used to describe this classification of people in official government and news documents. Camposeco skillfully makes this phrasing and its use ridiculous with the depiction of an ordinary, American scene of a casually dressed flea market vendor juxtaposed with her wearing a costume space alien mask. The government and news agencies who use language like “illegal alien” and other similarly offensive epithets aim to make immigrants seem like outsiders who are so different from ordinary Americans that they do not belong in this country. Through Nadie es Ilegal and other photographs from their series on the Starway Flea Market, Camposeco reveals the absurdity of not only using this language to describe immigrants but also of the mindset that causes political leaders and reporters to position people as non-human beings.