June 7 - November 1, 2024
Greenville Museum of Art | West Wing & Commons Galleries
Angela Gonzalez
“In today’s world, technology is not just a convenience; it’s become an indispensable part of our daily lives, embedded in nearly every aspect, from communication to commerce, education to entertainment.”
7.4 GIG
computer hardware & acrylic on wood
404 - Not Found
computer hardware & acrylic on wood
Intertwining motherboards, mother earth, and my mother country, a new creation was conceived: “7.4 GIG.” Through this artwork, I explore the imminent arrival of a new existence, a rebirth of my being. The portrayal of a fetus in a womb captures the anticipation of debuting in an unfamiliar world, marked by fear of the unknown yet still connected by an umbilical cord to its roots. In “7.4 GIG.” I merge emotions of helplessness with interconnectedness, hope, and resilience, reflecting the nuances of my journey. The discarded circuitry and forgotten gadgets used in my work symbolize the remnants of my cultural heritage, often overlooked or dismissed. By repurposing e-waste, I metaphorically deconstruct my own sense of belonging and construct a visual language that conveys an alternative world which I call home. This artwork is an allegory for the constant rebirth of our collective existence, which goes beyond geographical boundaries. It underscores the importance of nurturing both our cultural roots and our planet to preserve traditions and foster innovation.
As a Latina navigating life in the United States, I constantly feel like a fish out of water, swimming in the deep currents of a home far from home. “404 – Not Found” serves as a vivid portrayal of my diasporic journey, embodying the challenges and complexities of belonging and not belonging in a foreign land. This artistic creation reflects my quest for answers and the acceptance I’ve discovered amid the discomfort of existing in between cultural spaces. Fashioned from recycled computer components, “404 – Not Found” exists at the crossroads of e-waste and my Latin heritage. Through this body of work, I advocate for the preservation of both the environment and the richness of Latin culture, which faces threats from the increasing forces of globalization. Drawing inspiration from individual and collective struggles, my goal is to amplify the voices of those, like mine, who yearn to foster a dialogue that transcends political borders.
Entrelazando placas base, la madre tierra y mi país natal, se concibió una nueva creación: “7.4 GIG” A través de esta obra, exploro la inminente llegada de una nueva existencia, un renacimiento de mi ser. La representación de un feto en el útero captura la anticipación de debutar en un mundo desconocido, marcado por el miedo a lo desconocido pero aún conectado por un cordón umbilical a sus raíces. En “7.4 GIG”, fusiono emociones de desamparo con interconexión, esperanza y resiliencia, reflejando las sutilezas de mi viaje. La maquinaria descartada y los gadgets olvidados utilizados en mi obra simbolizan los restos de mi herencia cultural, a menudo pasados por alto o desestimados. Al reutilizar residuos electrónicos, metafóricamente deconstruyo mi propio sentido de pertenencia y construyo un lenguaje visual que transmite un mundo alternativo que llamo hogar. Esta obra es una alegoría del constante renacimiento de nuestra existencia colectiva, que trasciende las fronteras geográficas. Subraya la importancia de nutrir tanto nuestras raíces culturales como nuestro planeta para preservar tradiciones y fomentar la innovación.
Como latina navegando la vida en Estados Unidos, constantemente me siento como un pez fuera del agua, nadando en las profundas corrientes de un hogar lejos del hogar. “404 – No encontrado” sirve como una representación vívida de mi viaje diaspórico, encarnando los desafíos y complejidades de pertenecer y no pertenecer en una tierra extranjera. Esta creación artística refleja mi búsqueda de respuestas y la aceptación que he descubierto en medio del malestar de existir entre espacios culturales. Confeccionado a partir de componentes informáticos reciclados, “404 – No encontrado” existe en la encrucijada de los residuos electrónicos y mi herencia latina. A través de esta obra, abogo por la preservación tanto del medio ambiente como de la riqueza de la cultura latina, que enfrentan amenazas por las crecientes fuerzas de la globalización. Inspirándome en las luchas individuales y colectivas, mi objetivo es amplificar las voces de aquellos, como la mía, que anhelan fomentar un diálogo que trascienda las fronteras políticas.
In your pieces, you convey the concept of rebirth. At what point did you come to terms with your rebirth? Was there a moment that caused it? My rebirth is an ongoing journey that began when I decided to move to the U.S. Everything was new and exciting, but it was also intimidating and challenging. As days turned into months, the initial excitement became routine, and the challenges brought on a deep sense of emptiness and solitude. I was facing the reality of living in a home far from home. Over the years, I came to terms with my continuous rebirth. While I can’t pinpoint the exact moment it happened, I know it occurred through learning to integrate my cultural heritage with my new life in the U.S. This transformational journey has shaped both my personal growth and my artistic expression.
I don’t recall a specific moment that marked my rebirth, but rather a series of significant events. One of the most important was the birth of my twin daughters. Through them, I experienced what it was like to be raised here, to adopt a new culture, and to integrate and enjoy a new life. It was then that I understood this place was their home and mine too.
Another pivotal event was my first art exhibition here in the U.S. I was overjoyed, not only because I was doing what I love, but also because I was becoming part of the art community. This exhibition gave me the courage to delve deeper into my artistic practice.
What is one childhood experience when you became aware of the wasteful culture in our society? One childhood experience that made me aware of society’s wasteful culture occurred when I was about ten years old. At a local market back in Colombia, I saw vendors throwing away fruits and vegetables with minor blemishes. This waste struck me, especially knowing many in the community struggled to afford fresh produce.
That experience stayed with me, making me more conscious of unnecessary waste. It influenced my decision to work with recycled materials in my art, aiming to give new life to items that might otherwise be discarded. Through my work, I hope to raise awareness about sustainability and the potential for renewal in everyday objects.
What led you to title your piece in computer vernacular? The decision to title my pieces using computer vernacular reflects my dual interests in technology and sustainability. Each title is carefully chosen to convey a deeper message or concept related to these themes. For example, “7.4 GIG” refers to the global population (7.4 billion people) at the time of creating the artwork, highlighting the interconnectedness of humanity and the impact of our actions on the planet.
Similarly, “404 Not Found” draws attention to environmental issues by referencing the extinct Delta fish, coupled with the error message of a missing web page. By using terms familiar to the digital age, I aim to provoke thought and spark conversations about pressing environmental concerns in a modern context.
In essence, titling my artworks with computer vernacular allows me to merge my passion for art with my concerns for the environment, creating pieces that are socially and environmentally conscious.
How did your Latinx roots affect your perception of life and nature? Growing up in Latin America, I was surrounded by rich traditions, a strong sense of community, resilience, vibrant culture, and a deep appreciation for the natural world. My Latinx roots have profoundly influenced my perception of life. When I moved to the U.S., I brought all of that with me. My Latinx heritage is the foundation of everything I do.
What led you to identify with the forgotten gadgets? My identification with forgotten gadgets stems from my personal journey of transformation and renewal. Just as I have integrated my Latinx heritage with my new life in the U.S., I see potential in discarded computer components to be reborn into something new and meaningful.
Working with recycled computer parts allows me to give these forgotten gadgets a second life, mirroring my own experiences of finding new purpose in a different environment. By repurposing these components, I highlight the beauty of transformation and the possibility of renewal, which are central themes in my art and personal narrative. This process reflects my commitment to sustainability and serves as a metaphor for the resilience and adaptability that define my journey.
How has living in the South affected your perspective of being Latino? Southern and Latin cultures share rich histories, traditions, and a strong sense of community. Both are known for warm hospitality, love of food, and the importance of religion in daily life. Living in the South, I’ve discovered a unique blend of traditions that resonate with my own background. This experience has strengthened my commitment to celebrating and preserving my culture while embracing the opportunities for growth and connection in this diverse region.
What is something you wish people understood more about prodigality in our society? One thing I wish people understood more about prodigality in our society is its long-term impact on the environment and future generations. Our culture of excess and wastefulness not only depletes natural resources but also contributes to pollution, habitat destruction, and climate change.
In today’s world, technology is not just a convenience; it’s become an indispensable part of our daily lives, embedded in nearly every aspect, from communication to commerce, education to entertainment. The escalating production and demand for new devices contribute to the growing issue of e-waste, which often ends up in landfills, exacerbating environmental impact. While technology is a contributor to these challenges, it also holds the potential to enable solutions in areas such as renewable energy, sustainable farming, and waste minimization.
My objective is to engage audiences in a meaningful conversation about our ecological and social responsibilities, aiming for a greener tomorrow.